Should you collect early or postpone? Are my benefits taxable? Get independent advice to maximize your benefits. Free consultations always available.
Do You Need Help With Your Social Security?
The Gray Matters Newsletter™

SocialSecurity-Adviser.com is a trusted source of ideas and information that has assisted thousands of individuals, families, and businesses. We provide free educational resources and connect users with independent Fee-Only professionals who are part of the 1800ADVISER.COM network.
Our independent professionals can help individuals navigate the complexities of the Social Security system, optimize benefits, understand eligibility criteria, and plan for retirement. They are knowledgeable about spousal, disability and survivor benefits and the implications of various life events on Social Securit
Professionals in our directory have deep experience of the Social Security System offering substantial experience and knowledge to support you efficiently. What sets them apart is their unique access to a network of independent Fee-Only professionals including financial advisers, tax accountants and attorneys. This collaboration ensures a seamless process, guiding you through every step – from understanding your Social Security options to optimizing benefits and addressing any complexities that may arise.
Yes. Just reach out to request a no-strings-attached FREE CONSULTATION or ask any question with Great Privacy™. Alternatively, you can visit 1800ADVISER.COM and browse the only toll-free online directory for Fee-Only professionals in the United States. It is important for you to note that we are a trusted resource with no government affiliation. The government’s web site is located at SSA.GOV and they can be reached at 1-800-772-1213.
After your free consultation, any professional fees for Social Security advice or other services are charged directly. Depending on your location and the desired level of engagement, rates can start as low as $100 per hour or $1,500 for a flat-fee package. All fees are negotiable and agreed upon in advance.
100% Independent
100% Objective™

Trusted Partner for Carrying Out Your Wishes
With roots dating back to 1998, we've supported thousands of individuals, families, and businesses. Independent Fee-Only professionals promise transparency without hidden motives.

Compassionate, Independent and Objective
Not only are we 100% independent and 100% Objective, but we can be compassionate and sensitive to the unique needs and concerns of all individuals, families, and businesses.

Real Humans Providing Wisdom & Guidance
If you prefer working with robots or software engines that provide artificial intelligence or computerized advice without considering human emotions, we may not be the right fit for you.

Private Free Consultations
At the heart of our commitment to you is our Great Privacy Policy, ensuring your information is never sold to third parties. We offer free consultations to help you decide if 100% Independent & 100% Objective advice will benefit you.
Social Security & Retirement Plan Services

Review Your Work
History and Record
If you believe your Social Security is lower than it should be, it may be because the SSA office does not accurately have your work record. Although rare, this issue does occur more often with self-employed persons or those that worked at smaller companies who failed to accurately report

Review Election Decisions Upon Retirement Age
The earliest age you can get social security is 62. If you elect to get payments, your monthly payments will be reduced by a certain percentage. If you want until you are 67, you will get full benefits. We can review which option makes the most sense for you.

Hand-Hold You Through The Application
Although applying for Social Security is relatively simple, you may want the comfort of having someone navigate the process for you including submitting the necessary paperwork to the Social Security Agency. We will help you for a small fee.

Social Security Tax
Planning & Reviews
If you are working or have income, some of your social security benefits may be taxable. This will reduce your after-tax income. Our FEE-ONLY financial advisers and CPAs can develop strategies to minimize or even eliminate the tax.

Spouse or Dependency
If you are eligible to receive benefits as a spouse or dependent, a Fee-Only adviser can help you understand the rules for earning above a certain threshold while receiving benefits and assist you in planning your work and retirement.

Assistance with
Appeals & Disputes
If you have a problem with your benefits or disagree with a decision made by the Social Security office, a Fee-Only adviser or an attorney may be able to help you understand your options for appealing or disputing the decision.